For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to sing. Growing up in an overtly musical household, celebrating genres and traditions of jazz, gospel, funk, R&B, and worship music facilitated an attentive ear and distinct style of singing.
I began my formal music education in middle school, joining the eighth grade choir. There, I was introduced to basic music theory, performance etiquette, standards of 80's, Rock, Show Choir, and Pop music. As I approached high school, I was very clear that I wanted to dedicate my life to music. Joining simultaneously Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit and the Renaissance High School Choral Department, I learned music leadership, styles of World Music, Spirituals, Blues, Swing and more.
My vocal ability has been described as sweet, captivating, calm, warm, and full of range. Since my time in Kalamazoo, I've performed in the capacity of background vocals, choir, auxiliary vocals, and solo performances. I've shared the stage with independent artists like Yolanda "Yogi" Lavender, Rufus Ferguson, Lady Ace Boogie, Kandace "DC" Lavender, Last Gasp Collective, vocalist and The Voice contestant: Meagan McNeal.
Most recently I have collaborated with
Durand Bernarr and MumuFresh.
I stand for human rights; specifically the liberation of Black people across the African diaspora and advocate for autonomy across intersectional identities.
My African American Studies minor equipped me with a myriad of resources to articulate and critically analyze several systems and institutions of oppression. Workshops, classes, and programming have given me physical experiences and a network of people to amplify my analysis while working against certain implications these issues and narratives produce.
Some of the most transformative traveling opportunities were Civil Rights Geography Tour, HECUA Race in America: Then and Now Tour, and the Sankofa trip.
My organizing and activism has taken shape with organizations like Project X, ERACCE, and The Institute of Public Scholarship. Being a Black Liberation Scholar and Community Student Organizer has allowed me to excel in written and verbal communication while simultaneously exploring Art Activism.
My approach to music education and student engagement comes from a deep and empathetic hunger to re-present traditional musical narratives/ ideologies that have historically dominated American musical training. I prioritize cultural responsiveness and a broadened musical appreciation to inspire students through lessons, activities and exercises with joy at the center.
My students come from several walks of life and musical experiences. My goals and objectives are to curate valuable musical experiences built from a foundation of genuine rapport and relationship with the students. I encourage students to have agency and input in the classes and lessons I teach, aiming to introduce, prioritize, and cultivate themes of catharsis, activism, and expression.
In my general music programming, I build practical musical vocabulary for students and bring them awareness from eclectic exposure. I approach student success with evaluation, presentational and participatory outcomes to enrich their musical and non-musical life endeavors.
I currently teach in Kalamazoo through the following programs. Click below to learn more about each one!
Growing up in the musically rich Dunamis Outreach Ministries under the late Reginald M. Lane, was instrumental in my passion and heart for worship. I am grateful for my call to ministry: using my relationship and revelation of Jesus Christ to express practically and musically His love, mercy, and affection for each and every person.
For 4 years I participated and served in leadership (including president, vice president, music director, section leader and parliamentarian) for the Voices of WMU Gospel Choir.
At the Wesley Foundation of Kalamazoo, I served as Worship Coordinator for the (2017-2018) year. My time at Wesley required team building, planning, worship leading, and anti-racism work. Wesley's intentionality and active work to de-center whiteness within a white institution, facilitated my skill set in multicultural worship leadership; allowing me to lead worship in multiple spaces and church cultures.
I currently participate in the music ministry at Seasons of Change Church (Kalamazoo, MI) under the leadership of Pastor Cory Cunningham. I strongly believe in community and authenticity among all people, but specifically with believers. We are the ministers in our circles of influence and wherever we find ourselves throughout our daily lives. It is my intention to be approachable, transparent and gracious in all interactions so people can unlearn toxic theology and religiousness to come into a relationship with Christ from a love-driven choice, not fear of hell. In addition to Seasons of Change Church, I'm a member of Transformation Nation (Transformation Church) based in Tulsa, OK.